Hey, I am Jo.

I am a Child and Educational Psychologist from the UK. I was also a young carer, I looked after my mother, Meg between the ages of 9-24 years old. She was a Tibetan Buddhist and psychotherapist and we had lots of conversations about compassion and the dynamics of being a carer.

This is Meg and me on a train, going to visit family. Sadly, I no longer own this jumper…

This is Meg and me on a train, going to visit family. Sadly, I no longer own this jumper…

Now, as an adult, I have been awarded a Churchill Fellowship to travel to the USA and Japan to learn about compassionate ways to support caregiving. My hope is to use this wisdom and practice to contribute to work with young carers in the UK.

🇺🇸Phase 1 [the USA, 2022]:

Phase 1 of my research was in the USA (October 2022). I spoke we amazing organisations and individuals using compassion to support people to navigate caring roles (including professionals, volunteers and people who care for someone in their family). I have collected a lot of data, but if you know someone I works using compassion and you think we should talk please get in touch..

🇬🇧Phase 1.5 [working with Young Carers in the UK, 2023]

Phase 1.5 of my research will involve working with young carers to develop the data collected in the USA, to create resources and training which will help professionals to work with young carers across the country.

I would love to be connected to people who:

If you would like to help with Phase 1.5 in any of the ways above, please get in touch by emailing me.

🇯🇵Phase 2 [Japan 2023]

Phase 2 of my research will involve travelling to Japan to critique and develop the resources and frameworks which I have created so far. I would love to be connected to people who:

If you -or someone you know - might be able to help with this you can:

  1. Suggesting a person or organisation for me to meet in the USA or Japan by emailing me.
  2. Sign up to a 30 minute call to help shape my travel plans in Japan.

If you would like to help in another way, I would welcome your thoughts, please get in touch.