
The Psychology Elders Project is a piece of research distilling the wisdom of Educational Psychologists (EPs) with over 20+ years of experience to help shape the next 20 years of our practice.

As a profession we are retiring faster than we are training (DfE, 2019). This made me worried about a “knowledge cliff”, where we lost the hard-earned knowledge and experience of our colleagues.

Data Collection [Phase 1]:

Initial Data Analysis

Preliminary data analysis of the first phase produced themes around:

Application x Analysis = Training Workshops for EPs

As part of sharing the findings and helping EPs to use the data, I have designed training sessions for Educational Psychologists, based upon the data provided by the Elders. If you are interested in booking training for your Educational Psychology Service or arranging a workshop for your University training course, please get in touch.

If you would like to keep in touch with the latest developments from the Psychology Elders Project, I will be writing about it on my newsletter Joining the Dots.